Searching Google:
 This guide covers selected tips and tricks to refine your search technique – for more information, consult Google’s various help screens. 
Please note:
  The tips and tricks described on this guide are subject to change.
 Google can personalise search results. Your search results may be different from someone else’s and may vary according to the computer you are using.
  This guide is based on the Chrome browser - Firefox and Internet Explorer are similar
Search within a site: Narrow down your results within a site by searching for (search query) site: (domain)
Search for related terms.
 Most useful for searching terms that may be pertinent to your subject. Example – related: hurricane sandy would give you a mix of news articles, blogs, scholarly articles, etc.
Don’t be case sensitive: 
Google search is not case sensitive. Enter keywords with or without the Caps on, you’ll get the same results


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